Courses & Activities
Information about our programs and activities are listed below - please keep checking our Facebook Page as we regularly post one off events on facebook. You are very welcome to come into collect a paper brochure or contact us and we can email you a copy.

Threads- Sewing Classes 2020
Here's a great opportunity to try something new this year.
Our classes provide a relaxed, fun and social way to learn how to sew.
The course is totally FREE of charge - the only cost is the purchase of fabric ( which you can pick up really cheap at Spotlight or you are welcome to look through some of the donated fabrics we have)
Class sizes are very limited so please register your interest in this course ASAP
Course commencement: NEW COURSE STARTING TERM 1 - register your interest ASAP as our classes are limited to 10 learners.
Digital Literacy Workshops at BNH in 2020
We're in the final stages of developing some great Digital Literacy workshops - some we have ran before and we're are making improvements on, while others are new this year.
Please contact Bendigo Neighbourhood Hub to register your interest - we expect to be commence running these workshops in March then offering them throughout 2018.
- Playing with media files
- Introduction to Movie Maker
- Powerpoint Animation
- Advanced formatting skills in MS Word
- Keyboarding for beginners
- Search engines
- Cloud storage
- Finding and using digital media
- Social networking for study and work
- Foundations of Blogging
- How to use Work Press
- GIMP (similar to Photoshop but the best part is the program is totally free)
- Creating photobooks with SNAPFISH
The running of these workshops is contingent on us getting sufficient enrolments, so please register your interest as soon as possible.
Digital Literacy Course - Basic Computers
Basic Computers
Designed for absolute beginners; this 10 week course takes you from the first clicks of a mouse, to introducing you to using programs; saving files, using USB devices, browsing the internet and using an email account.
Everyone will be new to computers, you will not be alone in feeling lost or frustrated with computers, but you will be one of those who decided to do something about it.
Cost for this course: FREE
This course is funded by The Department of Adult, Community and Further Education
Digital Literacy and Technology
We have an exciting new program that combines English Language development with basic computer tuition. It's our new Click and Learn program.
The program was developed by us and has been funded by a grant from City of Greater Bendigo.
The course is aimed at people from non-English speaking backgrounds who have limited English and who have an interest in learning how to use the computer.
This course will be delivered across at:
- Bendigo Neighbourhood Hub
- Karen Cultural Social Support Foundation ( Long Gully)
This is a FREE course and is supported by Learn Local and City of Greater Bendigo